B.S. 2000, Xiamen University, Biotechnology;
M.S. 2003, Xiamen University, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;
Ph.D. 2018, Texas A&M University, Biomedicine;
Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Scientist, Case Western Reserve University, 2009-2015;
, Case Western Reserve University, 2015.06-2016.09;
Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, 2016 to Present.
1. 肿瘤代谢与铁死亡;
2. 表观调控与靶向药物筛选系统开发;
3. 多组学肿瘤标记物发现与肿瘤早筛;
4. AI辅助的药物设计与生物材料开发;
5. 合成生物学及IVD诊断用工具酶开发。
1. Cancer Metabolism and Ferroptosis;
2. Epigenetics and Targeting Drug Screening System Development;
3. Multi-Omics for Cancer Biomarker Discovery and Early Cancer Diagnosis;
4. AI-aided Drug Design and Biomaterial Development;
5. Synthesis Biology and IVD Enzyme Development.
代表性论文(# co-first author, * Corresponding author):
1. Zhang Y#, Desai A#, Yang SY#, Bae KB#, Antczak MI#, Fink SP#, Tiwari S#, Willis JE, Williams NS, Dawson DM, Wald D, Chen WD, Wang Z, Kasturi L, Larusch GA, He L, Cominelli F, Di Martino L, Djuric Z, Milne GL, Chance M, Sanabria J, Dealwis C, Mikkola D, Naidoo J, Wei S, Tai HH, Gerson SL*, Ready JM*, Posner B*, Willson JK*, Markowitz SD*. TISSUE REGENERATION. Inhibition of the prostaglandin-degrading enzyme 15-PGDH potentiates tissue regeneration. Science 2015, 348(6240): aaa2340.
2. Antczak MI#, Zhang Y#, Wang C, Doran J, Naidoo J, Voruganti S, Williams NS, Markowitz SD, Ready JM. Inhibitors of 15-Prostaglandin Dehydrogenase To Potentiate Tissue Repair. Journal of medicinal chemistry 2017, 60(9): 3979-4001.)
3. Desai A, Zhang Y, Park Y, Dawson DM, Larusch GA, Kasturi L, Wald D, Ready JM, Gerson SL, Markowitz SD*. A second-generation 15-PGDH inhibitor promotes bone marrow transplant recovery independently of age, transplant dose and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support. Haematologica 2018, 103(6): 1054-1064.
4. Zhou D#, Zhang Y#, Wu H, Barry E, Yin Y, Lawrence E, Dawson D, Willis JE, Markowitz SD, Camargo FD, Avruch J. Mst1 and Mst2 protein kinases restrain intestinal stem cell proliferation and colonic tumorigenesis by inhibition of Yes-associated protein (Yap) overabundance. PNAS, 2011, 108(49): E1312-1320. .(*co-first author)
5. Zhang Y, Zhang J, Lin Y, Lan Y, Lin C, Xuan JW, Shen MM, McKeehan WL, Greenberg NM, Wang F. Role of epithelial cell fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2alpha in prostate development, regeneration and tumorigenesis. Development 2008, 135(4): 775-784.
6. Ma S; Zhang Y*. Profiling chromatin regulatory landscape: insights into the development of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq. Molecular Biomedicine, 2020, 1(1)
7. Guo P, Chen Q, Peng K, Xie J, Liu J, Ren W, Tong Z, Li M, Zhang Y*, Yu C*, Mo P*, Nuclear receptor coactivator SRC-1 promotes colorectal cancer progression through enhancing GLI2-mediated Hedgehog signaling. Oncogene, 2022, 41(20):2846-2859