邮 箱:houxueliang@xmu.edu.cn
Ph.D. 2003, South China Agricultural University, Botany;
Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, 2003-2008;
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, 2008 to Present.
Our research based mainly on traditional methods of plant taxonomy. Annonaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fagaceae, mangrove plants etc. were long studied. The plants of Fujian was another important part of my research.
代表性论文(# co-first author, * Corresponding author):
1. Hou X. L., S. J. Li. 2004. A New Species of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) from China. Novon, 14(2):171-175.
2. Hou X. L., S. J. Li. 2005. Dasymaschalon tibetense (Annonaceae): a new species from China. Nordic Journal of Botany, 23 (3): 275-277.
3. Hou X. L., P. T. Li. 2007. Three synonyms of Annonaceae in China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica. 45 (3): 369-375. (in Chinese)
4. Hou X. L., J. Lu. 2008. A note on a mangrove Acanthus xiamenensis (Acanthaceae). Guihaia, 28 (3): 292-294. (in Chinese)
5. Cui Y, Rao S, Chang B, Wang X, Zhang K, Hou X, Zhu X, Wu H, Tian Z, Zhao Z, Yang C, Huang T*. 2015. The AtLa1 protein initiates IRES-dependent translation of WUSCHEL mRNA and regulates the stem cell homeostasis of Arabidopsis in response to environmental hazards. Plant Cell and Environment. 38(10):2098-114.
6. Jin T, Hou X*, Li P, Zhou F. (2015. A Novel Method of Automatic Plant Species Identification Using Sparse Representation of Leaf Tooth Features. Plos One 10(10): e0139482. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0139482
7. Hou X L. 2015. Textual Research on Chinese Mangrove Bruguiera cylindrica (Rhizophoraceae). Plant diversity and Resources, 37(3): 267-270. (in Chinese)