【报告题目】Mechanisms and targeting of SWI/SNF-deficient cancers
【报 告 人】SIDONG HUANG(McGill University)
【邀 请 人】韩家淮 教授
【报告人简介】Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, McGill University, Canada.
Dr. Huang’s laboratory aims to identify novel genes and networks that modulate response to cancer drugs, and to uncover genetic dependencies between the major signaling pathways in cancer that can be exploited therapeutically. One of his studies has led to the new treatment strategy combining BRAF and EGFR inhibitors to treat metastatic BRAF mutant colorectal cancer patients, which has been validated in clinical trials and approved by the FDA. Recently, my lab has uncovered a common vulnerability in several SWI/SNFdeficient cancers which can be effectively targeted by FDA-approved CDK4/6 inhibitors, thus suggesting a potential treatment option for these hard-to-treat cancers. This is currently being tested as a part of the Canadian Profiling and Targeted Agent Utilization Trial (CAPTUR) (NCT03297606).