On June 16, the School of Life Sciences held a staff meetingfocusing on work reports by theadministrative leading group at the end of its termandondemocratic recommendationof candidatestoanew leading group. The meeting was presided over by Zhengguo Chen, leader of the cadre investigation group of the University Party committee.
Zhenghong Zuo, Secretary of CPC committee of School of Life Sciences, initiatedthe meeting by making an overall work report on behalf of the present leading group. Hesummarized the achievements and progresses over the past 4 yearsinaspects asdiscipline construction, personnel training, scientific research, team building, communication and cooperation, social services and other undertakingswhich significantly improved the comprehensive strength of the School. Meanwhile, he also summed up the difficulties and deficienciesthe School encounteredsince he took office, and made a further outlook onitsfuturedevelopment. Then,Boan Li , Qinxi Li and Xianming Deng, thevice-deans ofthe School,summarized and reported theirwork during their termrespectivelyunder the assessment framework focusing onmorality, ability, diligence, performance and honesty.
Afterall thereports,the School conducteddemocratic evaluationson the leading group anditsindividual members, and at the same time,organizeddemocratic recommendationof candidates toanew leading group.