TheSchoolof life Sciencesorganizedprofessional trainingon July 20in HuangChaoyangbuildingtoward alltechnical and administrativestaff.Yubin Zhang, deputy secretary of CPC committee ofthe Schoolpresidedthe training.
Thisprofessional trainingwas carried outin two part.In the first part,YaGAO, a colleaguefrom Xiamen UniversityLibrary,elaborated ona series of newservicesthe Library has been providing.These servicesare discipline-oriented, aiming toprovideconvenience for teachers and staff inaspectssuch asgeneraleducation, scientific research evaluationandresource research.
The second part focused onPPTskills.LinyanXIANG,another colleaguefromthe UniversityLibrary,introducedthe latest design concepts and optimization skillsthat PPT can realize and then focusedonhowtopracticallycombine these skills with discipline characteristicstomaketheslidesbothvisually enjoyableand substantial in content.